Please see us at these upcoming shows:
Packaging Liners
- International Powder & Bulk Solids
Chicago, IL. - Booth No. 3834
May 6th - 8th
- Institute of Food Technologies
New Orleans, LA - Booth No.4335
June 29th - July 1 st
- Pack Expo International
Chicago, IL - Booth No. E-5923
November 9th - 13th
Asbestos Abatement
- EIA Show
September, Myrtle Beach, SC
Grayling Introduces D-Con 4'x4' To Meet
Stronger Regulations
Alpharetta, GA --- Grayling Industries has introduced
its new "4x4" D-Con unit to answer the need for
larger decontamination rooms for contractors who are working
in asbestos abatement in the Northeastern states. According
to John Hill, D-Con product manager for Grayling, "Recently,
there have been an increased number of citations issued to
contractors not adhering to the size requirements on clean
rooms. The 4' x 4', 3 stage FR Disposable D-Con unit meets
/ exceeds the NY and NJ State requirements for decontamination
The new 4x4 unit is the only product of its
kind that offers a 3-ply poly construction with fire retardant
film, triple flap entrances and exits, and PVC poles that
lock in place. Reinforced floors and ceilings enhance the
stability of the unit. Typically a full decontamination unit
includes 3 rooms, or units. The new 3-stage 4x4 can be set
up in 15 minutes without the need for any tools.
Aside from New York and New Jersey, the state
of Maine and the city of Philadelphia each require a larger
space for clean rooms and decontamination showers. A renewed
emphasis on safety and compliance has provided an opportunity
for Grayling to extend its product offering in the Northeast.
The only 3-ply unit available, the new D-Con 4x4 has been
well received to date.