Grayling Mission

Function as a Cohesive Team

Operate as a World Class Company

Create a Safe, Productive and Rewarding Work Environment

Act with Honesty, Respect and Humility

Earn the Confidence and Trust of our Employees, Customers and Vendors

Grow the Profitability and Value of the Organization

People and Excellence

Primary Excellence Goals

Processing Conversion of Flexible Films

Brand and Channel Management

Organizational Excellence

Characteristics of Grayling People

Sharp, Honest, Humble, Proactive and Enthusiastic

Individual Principles
In support of our mission and objectives I will:

Always Give My Best Effort

Thoughtfully Deploy the Company’s Resources

Feel a Sense of Urgency in all Matters Relating to Our Business

Accept Responsibility for Work Place Safety

Conduct Business with Honesty, Respect and Humility

Recognize that Work is an Important Part of a Balanced Life
that should be Challenging, Enjoyable and Rewarding

Develop Professional Skills, Build Practical Knowledge and
Engage in the Pursuit of Excellence

©2004, Grayling Industries. All Rights Reserved.     1008 Branch Drive • Alpharetta • Georgia • 30004, USA • (800) 635-1551 • (770) 751-9095 • Fax (770) 751-3710